斯嘉麗小姐和公爵第三季 加載評論...
【又名】斯嘉麗小姐與公爵 / Miss Scarlet and The Duke Season 3
【編劇】Rachael New
【導演】Steve Hughes
【主演】凱特·菲利普斯 / 菲利克斯·斯科特 / 安蘇·卡比亞 / 斯圖爾特·馬丁 / 薩姆·霍爾 / Milan Novakovic ...
【類型】劇情 / 懸疑 / 犯罪 / 古裝
【集數】6集 (已完結)
【豆評】7.7/10 from 210 users
【簡介】《斯嘉麗小姐和公爵第三季》A famous magician does the ultimate disappearing xiaokan.cc act and vanishes into thin air. All of London is talking about the mystery and Eliza is hired by a newspaper to investigate, despite the fact that Duke is already on the case.
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